Do THIS for a more Blissful Holiday Season.

Graphic snowflakes on white background. Christmas, holiday card.

Reading time: 2 minutes

The holidays are finally here, a purely happy time for many, but for some it can be stressful. Keeping up with the demands of the season, including spending time with family, can sometimes cause old wounds to resurface, and old reactive patterns may re-emerge, even though you thought you had resolved your issues.

Because so many souls find it easy to have their buttons pushed this time of year, I’m sharing some tips about how to remain more centered in peacefulness during the holidays—and beyond.

The following tip will help you warm your heart so you can keep your cool this holiday season, and all year long.

For holiday bliss:  Manage your expectations. 

One of the best ways to avoid getting upset or disappointed this holiday season is to keep our expectations in check. Expectations of others’ behavior and of how things “should be” are a leading cause of disharmony and suffering.

When something disturbs our peace, it is often because we have a set of standards that must be met in order for us to be okay. We are rarely aware that we may feel a need to control others and our environment in order to feel safe. This need is based on a subconscious belief that we are less than or somehow separate from other souls, and are therefore alone and unprotected.

If, however, we can take a moment to center ourselves in the truth that we are always at one with all that is, and allow ourselves to be anchored in our loving essence, we will know we are safe. We then can allow others to be as they are, and to allow “what is” to be enough. We can stay centered in peace even when things aren’t unfolding exactly as we wish.

I’m not suggesting we should give up discernment in order to adjust our expectations. The idea is to determine whether we might be too rigid in our judgement of what is acceptable. While it can be hard to detach and to look at our circumstances objectively, we will be doing ourselves and all concerned a big favor by asking ourselves, before interacting with others or judging a situation, “Are my expectations causing unnecessary discord, for myself or others?”

The fact is we can allow ourselves to still be okay even if things aren’t “just so.” After all is said and done, what is more important: for things to be a certain way, or to strive for more peace, love, and harmony in all ways, every day?

Your ability to experience bliss is in your hands. Choose bliss!

NOTE: If you’ve been feeling stuck in any way and would like to discover and release any ancestral, subconscious programs that might be holding you back, and to experience a deep transformational shift that lasts, please contact me at to arrange a no-obligation phone call to explore whether a Soul Harmony™ Healing session may be right for you. It will be my honor to facilitate a quantum leap on your path to wholeness. 

Wishing you wonder and joy this upcoming holiday season, and always.

Shari Covens
Soul Harmony™ Healing and Empowerment Coaching

©2019 Shari Covens. All rights reserved. 

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